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With a background in entomology and conservation biology, recent graduate research on pollinators, and a lifelong passion for nature, I hope to contribute to the protection of the world's biodiversity through work in the field and outreach to a wide audience.

Inspiring Others to Carry the Torch

People will not want to protect what they don't care about, and they cannot care about what they don't know exists.

Just as it is hard to spot a tern chick on a crowded, sandy beach, it can be difficult to convince the public of the importance of conservation when they are not yet aware of the wealth of life around them, and how it, and they, are impacted by threats to the environment. 


Outreach and education are crucial aspects of conservation. Without it, a knowledge gap grows between academia and everyday people, preventing society from understanding and thus enacting changes to help the natural world, and by extension, all of humanity. It is the duty of scientists everywhere to make their field accessible to a wide audience, so they may inspire others to carry the torch with them. 

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